EPDM is a synthetic rubber with a higher durability than bitumen and DPC. Eco-friendly EPDM is used for waterproofing flat or slightly sloped roofs and as a water barrier at window frames or foundations. This material is also great for recoating zinc gutters. Because you glue EPDM, it is very safe to apply.


  • Resistant to temperatures from -35 to +120 degrees
  • Root resistant and suitable for green roofs
  • UV and ozone resistant
  • Permanently elastic without plasticizers
Product - EPDM Folie
Product - EPDM Folie

EPDM film and strips

EPDM film and strips

11 variants

EPDM film and strips, selfadhesive Acryl

EPDM film and strips, selfadhesive Acryl

6 variants

EPDM film and strips, selfadhesive Butyl

EPDM film and strips, selfadhesive Butyl

7 variants

EPDM roofing material

EPDM roofing material

19 variants